A message from Masons Island Marina regarding COVID-19

In light of the health issue facing our country, we hope that we are reaching you in good health, safety and assurance. Especially in times like these, we realize the importance of looking after one another and those most vulnerable to hardships that may arise from circumstances surrounding Covid-19. We extend our hearts to the communities most at risk in our large cities and urge each of you to check in with those who may feel isolated or may be in need of supplies or simply a bit of encouragement.

We here at Masons Island Marina are practicing hyper vigilant anti-virus preventative measures with common areas being wiped down frequently by our staff with each entry and exit. Keeping each other safe is important to each of us as we are all responsible for each other’s well being. As work requests come in we are honoring them and continue to serve our customers with the same commitment to quality service as you have grown to expect. We will try to accomplish as much work as possible in case we are at some point directed to close for a period of time.. Should we be directed to close, for that period of time we will be able to be contacted by email or by phone as we will check our messages with frequency. However, it is our greatest goal to have you ready for your return to the water. Whether you love to fish, sail, enjoy the beach or simply enjoy a home away from home, we understand the need to have a place to de-stress and enjoy the company of your summer marina friends. We will be here waiting for you.

Lastly and most importantly in these times of some uncertainty, there are a few things we know to be true. First we are all in this together and together we are a nation of resourcefulness. Out of struggle, good old Yankee ingenuity always prevails and we figure out new ways to treat and cope with whatever is thrown at us. Secondly, all things have a beginning and an ending. This chapter in our history has an end as well. Whether this threat ends due to a cure, a vaccine, warm weather or something called herd immunity, it will be over and we will be once again okay.

Hope is the foundation on which we build our wellness. It is our most vital emotion. (By Vickie Girard). Shared with us by one of our suppliers.

Keep well and keep in touch.

Jack Morehouse, the Morehouse family and the entire Marina staff
